Monday, June 11, 2007

finnicky food fanatics

We're becoming more entangled in the ever-encroaching tentacles of nanny-state with the education ministry's decision to ban 'unhealthy' food from school tuck shops. The govt fat-phobics' feeble excuse is their priority to educate students about making healthy food 'choices'. But having regulations forced down your throat is no 'choice'. A shame the govt doesn't give the same due attention to 'educate' pupils in reading & writing as our nation's literacy rates decline.

Their anti-obesity position might hold more credence if MPs themselves were paragons of sleekness. There's more than a few plump pigeons and hefty heifers among nanny-parties, Labour & Greens. Sue Bradford is certainly no catwalk model, and Parekura Horomia won't be attending Anorexia Anonymous meetings anytime soon. The next election can't come soon enough to toss these scraps and leftover zealots into the compost.

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