Monday, March 26, 2007

An end to blogging?

Pondering the high incidence of dead and dying blogs, The Sunday Times (via The Australian) asks if enthusiasm for blogging has peaked and whether the online phenomenon is in decline, doomed to extinction. It cites 2 interesting stats:

1) An estimated 200 million blogs created have since been forsaken by their authors.
2) The creation of new blogs culminated in October 2006, when 100,000 new blog were established each day.

Garner research analysts estimate 100 million globally still blog regularly, with some tech experts suggesting the figure may fall to around 30 million. The most common reason for quitting? People eventually run out of things to say. Although I reckon lack of time, energy & impetus also take their toll - not to mention trolls, vicious comments & hostile fellow bloggers who can dampen the most ardent spirits. I guess it depends on the personality and motivation of each author. Who blogs?

* Diarists.
* Geeks.
* Literary types whose passion for writing finds easy expression on the net.
* Chatty types forming online relationships/communities.
* Pundits.
* Polemicists.
* 'Missionaries' i.e. people with a specific cause/purpose.
* Exhibitionists & attention-seekers.
* Irascible types (such as moi) who enjoy moaning :-)

Who knows? But I doubt predictions of blogging's complete demise anytime soon. Sure, folks give up one blog, but then easily start another. As long as gossips, blow-hards and know-alls have online access and it remains free, there'll always be a blogosphere.

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